A New Year’s Word
A new year is a great time for a reset…so how are you going with yours so far, now that we’re almost three weeks in? Did you even make any resolutions? I didn’t! I find it so hard to stick to them. But my desire to make some positive changes is still alive and kicking, so for the past few years I’ve been honouring this in a different, simpler way. I choose a word that represents a certain quality I want to flourish in my life, such as presence, spaciousness, creativity and then I practise with the word throughout the year. For me, this is a lot more do-able—just 3 or 4 steps—and much more likely to introduce lasting, positive change.
Step 1: Name the quality
My word for this year is CONNECTION. What would yours be if you had to pick one, right now?
Step 2: Attach a tagline
A tagline adds a little more focus and spice: “Connection to self, connection to country, connection to others”.
Step 3A (short form practice) Reflect as you go along
· Every now and then, recall the quality and reflect on how you’re going with it.
· Helpful questions = Have I managed to remember that I even have a word? If yes, how have I gone with it today/this week/this month?
· How can I bring more of it into my life? Just thinking about it is a great start.
Step 3B (long form practice) Embody the word through movement
· Experiment with a movement/gesture, either with your hands or your whole body, that expresses your chosen quality.
· When you’ve found a movement, say the word and embody it with your chosen gesture
· Choose how many times a day you want to practise saying the word and embodying the movement at the same time (recommended = 3 times)
· Pick times in the day that will fit alongside already established habits, such as brushing your teeth, opening your laptop, putting a load of washing on etc
· Stick to it! Or at least keep chipping away at it :)
Easy small changes turn into lasting big ones. For the time being here’s to connection!